Devotions & Studies


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit , but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 

Philippians 2:3

At church this weekend, our pastor spoke about powerful words. I know we've all heard that our words have the power to build up and tear down a thousand times, so please bear with me through this. 

For the past couple of years God has shown me just how much of an impact words can have on people's lives. Yeah. Their entire lives. Think about it: remember a time when someone said something that really hurt. You can probably think of several times off the top of your head; I know I can. Now think of a time when someone said a word that really picked you up. It's a little harder isn't it? Our pastor told us that for every one positive word spoken, three negative comments follow. You might be thinking, "No that can't be true. That number sounds too high. Just who were they studying here?" There you have it already: three negative comments. Negativity is so natural to us, it comes without even thinking about it. Usually, it takes more energy and thought to compliment someone, but we already have plenty of negative comments lined up around the block ready to launch. 

The verse above talks about humility and considering others better than yourselves, but that's not the part of the verse I'm going to focus on. The first part says to do nothing for your own gain or for the loss of others. How relevant this verse is to our words! Many of our negative comments are built and created to gain something for ourselves and take something from others. A simple,"I don't like her dress", implies that my dress is superior to hers and, in my head, immediately puts me better than her. I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of negativity. It's hard to climb out too, but here's a little ray of hope shining through the dim cave: hurtful comments cannot live in the presence of encouragement. 

Proverbs 15:4 says, "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." Wow…now that's power. The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life. I have a friend who has had a hard time with her family. One day, it overwhelmed her so much she was balled up on the ground and in tears. I walked up to her, gave her a hug, and told her she wasn't alone. I didn't realize I'd done anything until later when she walked up to me and told me I had made her day. I had no idea. Later, I was having some issues with a friend of mine when another friend who didn't know me as well walked up and asked what was wrong. That day was the best worst day I've ever had. The day started nearly in tears, but after my friend came up to me, it turned into a beautiful day because of her simple words of encouragement. My best friend and I later made up and now we're doing great. 

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

Now, enough about negativity. What kind of answer is a gentle answer that will turn away wrath? Here are the two most powerful words in the history of mankind: me too. When you were down or going through something rough, what was the one thing somebody could say that would make you feel better? Me too. You're not alone. I'm right here with you. The same thing happened to me. Jesus knows exactly what you're going trough. He says, "me too". Persecution? He's been there. Anger? He knows how that feels. Betrayal? Check! Temptation? For sure. Loss? Yep. And the list just goes on… When you are having a bad day, it makes the world seem a little less daunting and big when someone says, "I'm right here with you.", and nobody better to say that than Jesus. 

Having a rough day? Me too…

Just lost a friend? My best friend died a couple years ago…

Even with goofy stuff like, "My toothpaste tube exploded on me!", you always feel better when someone else says, "Really?? That happened to me last week!"  Everyone can laugh and share each other's burdens. It is so important to build each other up and help each other carry their load. The world is filled with neagativity. From the "perfect" people on tv telling us what we have to look like to the mean girls walking down the hallway pointing laser eyes at anyone who dares to breathe. What can it hurt to drop a little encouragement every now and again?

"From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied." Proverbs 18:20

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Philippians 4:8

“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” ‭‭James‬ ‭3:9-12‬ ‭